Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 11:44 am at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland my sweet baby girl went onto the floor and cheered her heart out! Making this women a beyond belief proud mama.
She has taken to cheering like a fish to water....

6, 7, 8
are the counts and up she goes. She is what cheerleaders call a flier. (I'm slowly learning the lingo:) That's her, second from the left and yes she is standing on someone's hands.

I never thought in a million years that she would be able to keep the rhythm let alone be on count. But she does.
She has big plans for her self (although, they sometimes change). She will do this through high school and get a scholarship to college to cheer on their team. Once at college she plans to study to be a teacher.
On a recent art museum trip for a college paper I was writing, she stopped to tell me "I can't wait to be in college, it is so much fun and I am going to learn so much. " Although, she has also said that she would like to go to school online so that she can ware her PJs all day. Gotta love the college online commercials!
To have these conversations with a baby still in my eyes is wild. To listen to her plan out her day, set her goals and watch her accomplish them, warms my heart.
As a parent, it is so easy to get caught up in the no's and because I said sos and miss the whole thing. I enjoy every second I have with this child, my child. Even those seconds that seem to be hours as she is telling me why she can't do something.
Watching her grow and enjoy life makes everything worth it. Such a impressionable, fragile creature....
I promise to do my best by you and for you. I will try to keep my anger level down, even if yours is not. And I promise to listen and do my best to understand your view points. I love you my sweet baby girl!!!!

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